Best Drug Rehab Treatment Centers in Miami Shores, fl

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Drug Rehab Facilities in Miami Shores

Miami Shores Alcohol Treatment Centers

If you are currently struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you may feel as though you have everything under control and that you can take care of everything all on your own. However, the reality is that this is your addiction talking. Your addiction tells you that you have things under control. Your addiction convinces you that nothing is wrong. Use this directory of various Miami Shores Alcohol Treatment Centers in order to narrow down your options when it comes to treatment and recovery.

The truth is that you are not in control, your addiction is, and it does not have your best interests at heart. And the other truth that you may not realize is that there is help available to you that can assist you in overcoming your addiction to drugs or alcohol.

What does Having an Addiction Mean?

Many people, even those people suffering from drug or alcohol addictions, do not fully understand what an addiction is or entails. This is because the nature of addiction is to be confusing and most people with addictions are convinced that they don't have a problem. Addictions are deceptive in that the addiction will convince a person that everything is fine or okay when it really is not, and everything is falling apart. Allow this list of reputable Miami Shores Alcohol Treatment Centers to help you in your search for the right addiction rehab.

While most people assume that overcoming an addiction or battling an addiction is a matter of a person's willpower or strength of character, neither of these two things actually have to do with addiction at all.

A person may have wonderful character and a strong will but might still fall victim to the monster that is an addiction. An addiction can feel like it is a beast that is taking over your life and controlling you without your consent and in a lot of ways, it is just that. This is because addiction is both physical and mental in nature and many of a person's behaviors in regard to addiction are beyond their conscious control.

Finding the Right Treatment Center

What you may not know is that there are many different types of addiction treatment centers and programs available and no two centers are exactly the same. There are so many options that can be confusing even to someone that is sober but can be downright impossible to sort through for someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This list will allow you to look at all of the different Miami Shores Alcohol Treatment Centers so that you can pick one that suits you best.

Addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects a person's ability to abstain from using drugs or alcohol. Many times, people who suffer from addiction are pre-determined to suffer from addiction.

Get Help Now

It can be quite difficult to navigate through and understand all of these different options, especially when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While overcoming an addiction alone may not be in the cards, overcoming an addiction with help is very much doable. You can break free from your addiction, no matter how severe it may be. Use this directory of various Miami Shores Alcohol Treatment Centers in order to help you navigate through the selection of different treatment centers. 

Unless you’re 100% committed to achieving lifelong sobriety, you will eventually relapse and begin to lose all hope of ever getting better. Don’t let this disease take you down any longer. You don’t have to live this life controlled by addiction. You and only you are standing in your way. Feel free to call (877) 804-1531 to learn more about your recovery options.

Upcoming Miami Shores AA & NA Meetings:2

Meeting Day & Time Location
AA Miami Springs 2 Thu, 7:30 PM 2 South Royal Poinciana 2 South Royal Poinciana Miami Springs, FL 33166, Miami, FL 33166
NA SRO Building Wed, 7:30 PM No U Turns Group Discussion/Participation, Men 2136 Northwest 8th Avenue, Miami, FL 33127
AA Happy Hour Fri, 5:30 PM 1636 NE 148th Street 1636 NE 148th Street, Miami, FL 33181
Nearby Detox Centers
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Distance: 2.2 miles
9198 NW 8th Ave
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13550 Memorial Hwy
Transitions Recovery Program
Distance: 7.1 miles
1928 NE 154th Street
Local Rehab Reviews
Harbor Village Drug and Alcohol Detox
Has a total rating of 5 out of 5 stars where the latest review says: "All of the staff are amazing and helpful, and had answers and suggestions for every step along the w..."
Summer House Detox
Has a total rating of 5 out of 5 stars where the latest review says: "Thanks to all the staff at Summer House for helping me. The place itself is clean, the food great, a..."
Transitions Recovery Program
Has a total rating of 3 out of 5 stars where the latest review says: "3 months of meetings 3x a day doesn't mean you need to follow the counselors guidance..... esp when ..."
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